This week, we are continuing to talk about growing as a second grade learner by using a book called Hunter and His Amazing Remote Control. In the story, Hunter creates a remote control to help him become a better student and friend. Each button on the remote is a strategy Hunter can use. They include:
- Channel Changer: Use it to focus on the topic you are expected to be thinking about. For example, if you are learning about math and your mind is thinking about recess, use this button to change your mind back to the “math” channel
- Pause: Stop what you are doing, calm down, and make a plan
- Fast Forward: Predict what might happen next and use this thinking to make the expected choice right now
- Rewind: We all make unexpected choices. Use this button as a way of going back and try again to make the expected choice
- Slow Motion: Use this as a reminder to slow down, be mindful, and enjoy the moment
- Coach: Use as a way to keep a positive attitude and as a reminder that being a better learner and friend is a life-long goal for everybody
- Zapper: Use as a way to “zap,” or remove the negative thoughts we sometimes think when things are hard and we are feeling discouraged
- Way to Go: Use as a reminder that while we are working to improve, it’s important to celebrate successes along the way
As part of the lesson, students had a chance to think about the different times they might use each button. They then chose one button to practice using over the next couple weeks.
Students are bringing home worksheets where they wrote about their chosen button. If you have a moment, please ask your child to share with you the button they chose. Perhaps even take a moment to think about a button you could use in your life. We will continue to work to build understanding of the strategies found on Hunter’s remote next time we meet.
David Starr
School Counselor, Armstrong Elementary School
PH: 508-836-7760 Email: [email protected]