This week, we are discussing bullying in kindergarten. Given the continued goal of improving bullying prevention and response in schools, it is not only incredibly important for us to begin to educate our students about bullying at an early age, it is also the law.
In our lesson, we defined bullying as repeated mean behaviors directed at another person. Often, these actions make the target, or victim, feel scared, angry, upset, even powerless.
We read the book “One,” by Kathryn Otoshi. The book says that when it comes to resolving a bullying situation, everyone counts. Bystanders play an important role. They can be nice to the victim, help the victim get an adult, or even tell the student who is bullying to stop if they feel comfortable speaking up. Students had a chance to write about and illustrate ways they could help someone who is being bullied.
If you have a moment, please review the definition of bullying with your children and encourage them to be active bystanders, people who do something to help those who are being bullied.
Thank you for your help reinforcing this important lesson.
David Starr
School Counselor, Armstrong Elementary School
PH: 508-836-7760, Email: [email protected]