Over the past two weeks, students have been continuing their work on problem solving. The last time we met, we learned about and reviewed “I feel” and “you feel” statements. They look like this:
I feel __________ when you ________. I would like you to __________.
You feel _________ when I _________. You would like me to _________.
For more information on our I feel statement introduction lesson, please scroll down to my post from February 2nd.
For this lesson, students continued to work with this problem solving strategy. They brainstormed different I feel and you feel statements they might use to resolve different conflict situations. We will take this practice and apply it during our next and final lesson on problem solving, when students will work in teams to plan and act conflict situations and utilize I feel statements to resolve them.
Please continue to encourage your children to try this strategy at home. Practice is important for many things, including (and perhaps especially) problem solving.
David Starr
School Counselor, Armstrong Elementary School
PH: (508) 836-7760 Email: [email protected]