This September, I am visiting all Armstrong classes to talk about allergies. Since many of our students have allergies, it becomes the responsibility of the entire Armstrong community to help keep those students safe.
As part of our lesson, I am taking time to explain allergies, including the causes and symptoms of an allergic reaction. Students are learning that people can be allergic to a range of things, including pollen, insect stings, and foods like milk, eggs, and nuts, and can become very sick if they have an allergic reaction.
Here at Armstrong, we need everyone’s help to keep students with allergies safe. There are some important things each of our students can do to. They are:
- Please don’t share food
- Only eat food in the cafeteria and classroom. Do not eat food on the bus
- Always wash your hands after eating, especially if you have eaten nuts or nut products such as peanut butter
- Look out for our students with allergies. If someone looks sick or is having trouble breathing, get an adult right away
When you have a moment, please review the strategies we use to keep students with allergies safe at Armstrong with your child. And remember, all of our classrooms are nut free. Please do not send in any snacks containing nuts. In the cafeteria, students are welcome to bring food containing nuts for lunch, as our students with nut allergies are able to sit at an allergy friendly table. Students who buy lunch may also sit at this table.
Thank you for your help supporting this important lesson.
David Starr
School Counselor, Armstrong Elementary School
PH: (508) 836-7760 Email: [email protected]