Over the next two weeks, third grade students here at Armstrong will be taking English Language Arts and Math assessments for PARCC, the Partnership Assessing Readiness for College and Careers. PARCC is a new assessment this year, replacing MCAS. It gives us as educators a chance to see how we are doing in comparison to other schools not just in Massachusetts, but across the country.
This week, I am going into third grade classes to discuss PARCC and answer student questions. We are taking time to talk about ways to relax your body during the test, as well as the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy breakfast. We are also reading the book, “The Biggest Test in the Universe,” by Nancy Poydar. It talks about the fictional experience of a student going through his first state assessment.
You can help your child be as prepared as possible for PARCC:
- Ask your child about strategies they can use to relax their body during the test. These strategies include:
- Count slowly to 10
- Take 3 deep breaths
- Think of something that makes you happy
- Make sure your child goes to bed at an appropriate time the night before the test. If they are having trouble sleeping, encourage them to use some of the relaxation strategies we talked about in class.
- Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast the morning of the test. Because of state rules, students will not be eating snack until after the test. Therefore, it is especially important that students eat a filling breakfast.
- Please make sure your child arrives to school on time. The test will begin promptly at nine, and it is essential that all students are in their classrooms for the test to start. Students arriving after nine will not be allowed to take the test with their class.
If you have any questions about PARCC, do not hesitate to contact me.
David Starr
School Counselor, Armstrong Elementary School
PH: 508-836-7760, Email: [email protected]