Over the past couple of weeks, I have been going into all Armstrong classrooms to teach students about Safety Alerts. Safety Alerts are a tool we are using to inform students and staff of any immediate safety concern. Teachers and staff are being trained in strategies to respond to a range of possible situations, most notably what would happen if someone unsafe attempted to enter the building.
As part of our lesson, students are taught about their job during a Safety Alert, which is:
1. Stop and look at the teacher
2. Listen and follow directions
3. Be quiet
Students learned that if they are any place other than their classroom, their job is to find the nearest safe adult. All staff members at Armstrong School wear name badges students can use to identify them as safe adults.
If you have a chance, please review with your children their job during a Safety Alert. You can also ask them what they might do if they were outside of the classroom, including in the bathroom, hallway, cafeteria, recess, or specials.
Last, please encourage your children to approach their teacher or myself with any questions they might have on the Safety Alert procedure. Our goal is to have students feel comfortable, and communication is essential to making this happen.
Thank you for your help supporting this important lesson.
David Starr
School Counselor, Armstrong Elementary School
PH: 508-836-7760 Email: [email protected]